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Deployment Strategies that Senior Developer must know
A deployment strategy is a way to change or upgrade an application. The aim is to make the change without downtime in a way that the user barely notices the improvements.
Deployment strategies define how you want to deliver your software. Organizations follow different deployment strategies based on their business model. Some choose to deliver software that is fully tested, and others might want their users to provide feedback and let their users evaluate under development features (such as Beta releases). The following section discusses various deployment strategies.
In this article I want to describe 3 of most useful deployment strategies such as Canary Depeloyment, Rolling Deployment, Green-Blue Deployment.
What Is Canary Deployment?
In software engineering, canary deployment is the practice of making staged releases. We roll out a software update to a small part of the users first, so they may test it and provide feedback. Once the change is accepted, the update is rolled out to the rest of the users.
Canary deployments show us how users interact with application changes in the real world. As in blue-green deployments, the canary strategy offers no-downtime upgrades and easy rollbacks. Unlike blue-green, canary deployments are…