Useful tool that all software-developer must know for check security attacks
Burp Suite is the industry standard tool for web application hacking, and is essential in any web penetration test.
This module will cover the basic functionality of the core tools in the Burp Suite framework: Proxy, Target, Repeater, Intruder, Sequencer, Decoder, Comparer, and Extender. You will learn how to apply Burp Suite when enumerating and attacking realistic web applications, as well as how to approach some of the common scenarios you may encounter when attacking a web app.
With this tool you can test XSS, CSRF, Api testing, SQL injection, …
What is cross-site scripting (XSS)?
Cross-site scripting (also known as XSS) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to compromise the interactions that users have with a vulnerable application. It allows an attacker to circumvent the same origin policy, which is designed to segregate different websites from each other. Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities normally allow an attacker to masquerade as a victim user, to carry out any actions that the user is able to perform, and to access any of the user’s data. If the victim user has privileged access within the application, then the attacker might be able to gain full control over all of the application’s functionality and data.
How does XSS work?
Cross-site scripting works by manipulating a vulnerable web site so that it returns malicious JavaScript to users. When the malicious code executes inside a victim’s browser, the attacker can fully compromise their interaction with the application.
What is CSRF?
Cross-site request forgery (also known as CSRF) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to induce users to perform actions that they do not intend to perform. It allows an attacker to partly circumvent the same origin policy, which is designed to prevent different websites from interfering with each other.
What is the impact of a CSRF attack?
In a successful CSRF attack, the attacker causes the victim user to carry out an action unintentionally. For example, this might be to change the email address on their account, to change their password, or to make a funds transfer. Depending on the nature of the action, the attacker might be able to gain full control over the user’s account. If the compromised user has a privileged role within the application, then the attacker might be able to take full control of all the application’s data and functionality.
SQL injection
In this section, we explain:
- What SQL injection (SQLi) is.
- How to find and exploit different types of SQLi vulnerabilities.
- How to prevent SQLi.
What is SQL injection (SQLi)?
SQL injection (SQLi) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to interfere with the queries that an application makes to its database. This can allow an attacker to view data that they are not normally able to retrieve. This might include data that belongs to other users, or any other data that the application can access. In many cases, an attacker can modify or delete this data, causing persistent changes to the application’s content or behavior.
In some situations, an attacker can escalate a SQL injection attack to compromise the underlying server or other back-end infrastructure. It can also enable them to perform denial-of-service attacks.
API testing
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) enable software systems and applications to communicate and share data. API testing is important as vulnerabilities in APIs may undermine core aspects of a website’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
All dynamic websites are composed of APIs, so classic web vulnerabilities like SQL injection could be classed as API testing. In this topic, we’ll teach you how to test APIs that aren’t fully used by the website front-end, with a focus on RESTful and JSON APIs. We’ll also teach you how to test for server-side parameter pollution vulnerabilities that may impact internal APIs.
To illustrate the overlap between API testing and general web testing, we’ve created a mapping between our existing topics and the OWASP API Security Top 10 2023.
Web Security Academy alignment with the OWASP Top 10 API vulnerabilities
The OWASP Foundation periodically publishes a list of critical API-specific security risks. Although some of these risks have a different name in the context of APIs, many of them align with our existing Web Security Academy topics.
The table below specifies which Web Security Academy topics are relevant to the OWASP Top 10 API vulnerabilities:
- Broken object level authorization
- Broken authentication
- Broken object property level authorization
- Unrestricted resource consumption
- Broken function level authorization
- Unrestricted access to sensitive business flows
- Server side request forgery
- Security misconfiguration
- Improper inventory management
- Unsafe consumption of APIs